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BA 103, le salut du Cambrésis
Guillaume Desplanques
2012 - 53 min - HDCam - Couleur - France

Two years ago still, the Air base 103 was the first employer of the Cambrésis. On 350 hectares, 1.500 persons worked on it directly or indirectly: pilots to the mechanics, from the cook to the air-traffic controller, dog handler to the accounting department. On June 28th, 2012, the air base was officially closed. How these men and these women, servicemen or civilians, upset by this closure get ready in it after BA 103? How a political decision can destabilize a whole territory? The interests diverge as its future. Does the site risk to become a fallow land ? To understand the stakes and the space which build up themselves, it is also important to understand that was the BA.103, what it represented, many jobs and especially a dream part.

Author-Director : Guillaume Desplanques
Photography : Thierry Chartier
Sound : Fabien Luth
Editing : Richard Poisson
Delegate Producer : Les Productions Cercle bleu
Co-producer : Internep TV
Broadcasting Co-producer : Wéo, la télé Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Contribution : CNC. COSIP


Distributor : Les Productions Cercle bleu
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