Âmes vagabondes
Laure Pradal
2012 - 57 min - XDCAM - Couleur - France

According to the famous psychiatrist françois Tosquelles who had made the hospital of saint Alban Lozere one of the top histrorical place in humanist and avant-agarde psychatry : "The first human right is the right for vagrancy".
Salah, hudge reader of Arthur Rimbaud, is one of the wandering soul. His road crossed the other patient and the Saint James’ pilgrim, he travel freely on the domain, from the ward to the river, between delirium and reality, between psychiatric care and return at home.

Author-Director : Laure Pradal
Photography : Olivier Guérin
Sound : Lucas Mouzas
Editing : Véronique Sanson
Delegate Producer : Pages & Images Productions
Broadcasting Co-producer : France Télévisions
Contribution : CNC. COSIP, Région Languedoc-Roussillon


Distributor : Pages & Images Productions
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