Catalogue des films de « Sebastian Zsemlye »

3 films
I Am Good Enough
Son | Roumanie, France | 2023

In an attempt to help Sebastian, an 18-year-old seriously ill with cancer, Stefan, a successful entrepreneur, starts a campaign aiming to present Sebastian's situation and raise funds. An attempt to give him time to live. The filming period makes...

Listen to the Silence
Son | Géorgie | 2016

To have a dream is very natural and easy for each of us, but to follow one’s dream when no one else believes in it is the fate of only a few. Nine-yearold Luka dreams to step onto the stage and dance, because this is the only way for him to find...

Match retour
Son | Roumanie | 2014

A deceptively simple set-up: the director and his father watch a 1988 football match which the father refereed, their commentary accompanying the original television images in real time. A Bucharest derby between the country’s leading teams,...