Catalogue des films de « Christian Cartier »

12 films
Là où tout se joue entre
Son | France | 2023

Dans ce diptyque, où l'obscurité de la salle devient agent révélateur de nos imaginaires, Clio Simon développe l’idée selon laquelle les hommes non seulement vivent en société mais fabriquent constamment de la société pour vivre....

Les Indiens
Son | France | 2020

Julius was 2, playing in the living room in his pyjamas. It was just like any other morning, except I decided to film him. The day that followed would last for three years. What does it mean to play when you’re a kid and you have all the time in...

Géographie de l’ineffable
Son | France | 2020

From Southern America to Europe, the opportunity to say seeks itself endlessly. Showing history’s digressions, questing sense, bringing aporias together, drawing lines is able to make us forget the speech. This film tells us atmospheric...

Le Caillou dans la chaussure
Son | France | 2016

En 2013, le compositeur français Bernard Cavanna s’empare d’un pamphlet de Louis-Ferdinand Céline contre Jean-Paul Sartre pour le livret de sa dernière création : "L’Agité du bocal". Plus tard, alors que la pièce tourne en France, les...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Avril
Son | France | 2015

Sawol means April in Korean. On April 2014, a ferry sank. A person looked at the image of the sinking. The story unfolds in the apartment made with 3D images, black and white, along with the colorful captured images from internet.

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Journal du Fort Zeelandia
Son | France | 2014

A day in Middelburg in the Nederlands, the taiwanese landscapes, wind turbines, dams and barriers have been slowly superimposed and immerge traces of the period of the Zeelandian fort in Taiwan of the 17th century. Those real images and animated...

Les Gens du sucre
Son | France | 2013

La France est la première productrice mondiale de sucre de betteraves. Chacun à leur manière, ouvriers et patrons, hommes d’usines et betteraviers, retracent le destin de ces "campagnes industrielles". Comment ont-ils vécu le passage d'un...

Une photographie de la maison
Son | France | 2013

Composed essentially of still photographs, this documentary is an essay on photography written in the first person, and an overview of the Maison européenne de la photographie and its collection, considered among the finest in Europe. It also...

Borei Keila, OK
Son | France | 2013

After three decades of civil war, serious poverty in Cambodia is widespread. Under the Khmer Rouge period from 1975 to 1979 private land ownership rights were abolished. Today, a large number of the Cambodian population is alienated from their...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Entre temps
Son | France | 2012

A meditation and a reverie upon a city at once real and imagined. Conceptualized as a documentary on the ZUP buildings in France, the film has instead found form as poetic and expansive confrontation with the psychogeography of a contemporary...

12 films