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Les Petites Bulles du diable
Au pays du champagne Série-Collection : Thema : Champagne !

Jacques Mény
1999 - 120 min - France

A few days from the most celebrated New Year's Eve in the history of mankind, this film presents the "wine of the devil" with all its facettes.
From the prestigious wine-cellars of Champagne to the great Parisian restaurants, this film is an exploration of the world and the imagination connected with champagne.
This documentary celebrates the magic, the marvels and the mysteries of champagne which has only been in existence for three centuries and which has a universal reputation.
No theme eludes the author : from the history of its creation to the art of its elaboration, including its commercialisation and export. And it is all presented in a party atmosphere, adorned with the performance of texts and songs devoted to the "wine of the devil".

Author-Director : Jacques Mény
Author : Georges Bardawil
Author : Valentin Bardawil
Delegate Producer : Boyard productions
Broadcasting Co-producer : La Sept ARTE


Distributor : Boyard productions