Olivier Magis
2013 - 57 min - HDCam - Couleur - Belgique

This is the life of Ion, under a one-word banner : resilience. Ion soon lost his eyesight during childhood, and despite that, the free-talking young adult he became escaped the repressive romanian dictatorship together with his wife, herself also strongly visually impaired, and their newborn son, dodging dangers and hazards. Today, he turned his handicap into a skill : he is a transcritpion specialist for the Criminal Police Department, and helps investigators with finding convicting éléments listening to phone taps.


Distributor : WIP (Wallonie Image Production)
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2015 - Scam, Paris (France) : Mention dans la catégorie Découverte
2014 - À Nous de Voir, Oullins (France) : Compétition
2014 - Festival Quintessence, Ouidah (Bénin) : Sélection
2013 - Balkan Trafik Festival, Bruxelles (Belgique) : Sélection
2013 - Traces de Vies, Clermont-Ferrand (France) : catégorie "1er film professionnel"
2013 - Concours Premier Doc - Aux écrans du réel, Le Mans (France) : Prix du Public et Prix du Jury