SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Flics - Première Partie
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2007 Uncertain Viewpoints Flics - Première Partie

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Flics - Première Partie
Ilan Klipper, Virgil Vernier
2006 - France - Couleur - 74'

First part of a diptych documentary about the police today. This part takes place in a police Academy. We will follow scenes of the daily life of the Rouen-Oissel’Academy, where every year one thousand juniors, between eighteen and twenty-five years old, are trained between summer camp and military field.

Photography : Ilan Klipper, Virgil Vernier
Sound : Ilan Klipper, Virgil Vernier
Editing : Roger Ikhlef
Production : Agat Films & Cie, France 3, Planète Multithématiques
Distribution : Doc & Co (doc@doc-co.com, +33 (0)1 42 77 56 87)