Catalogue des films de « Yann-Elie Gorans »

11 films
Ceux qui restent
Son | Belgique | 2019

The Romanian village of Malancrav. These days, there are always people leaving for uncertain and temporary work in Western Europe, in the hope of making a better life back home. The ebb and flow of departures and homecomings affects every...

Son | Belgique | 2019

Victor is 17. He is gradually losing his eyesight. That is irrevocable. Refusing his handicap, Victor fights to live like an average teenager and becoming an adult just like the others. Today, Victor is ready to take off to go to University and...

Patience, patience, t'iras au paradis !
Son | Belgique | 2015

Dans les années 60, des milliers de Maghrébins vinrent en Belgique pour travailler. Parmi eux, des femmes qui ont un jour tout quitté pour suivre un homme sur une terre inconnue. "Patience, patience, t’iras au paradis !" c’est le refrain...

La collection qui n'existait pas
Son | Belgique | 2014

In June 2011, Herman Daled decides to sell off his collection of conceptual art. The MoMA in New York has proposed to buy it from him. A man looks back at his past, and that of an aesthetic and philosophic movement that marked the second half of...

Cello Tales
Son | Luxembourg | 2013

Four strings, a wooden box that has lived for 300 years. The cello is the most human-like of all musical instruments in shape, size and sound. A daughter searches for her father's stolen instrument for a decade. An artisan looks for the best way...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Nak Muay
Son | Luxembourg | 2013

"Nak Muay" (terme thaïlandais pour désigner celui qui pratique la boxe thaï) c’est l’histoire de Kevin Haas, jeune luxembourgeois de 30 ans qui veut s’inscrire dans la légende… Persuadé que tout est possible et que tout se passe dans...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Crimes d'artistes
Son | Belgique, France | 2012

Dans leur documentaire les réalisateurs Nicolas Crousse et Thomas van Zuylen s’interrogent sur la relation complexe entre le fait divers criminel et le cinéma qui s’en nourrit ; entre le drame humain, familial, intime et l’artiste qui...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Videogame
Son | France | 2011

A young boy is working in a farm, which is surrounded by forest. When he doesn’t help milking, or tries to see animals in wood, he plays videogames: Farming Simulator 2011. In front of his computer, he invents an industrial farm, and tries to...

La Quemadura
Son | France | 2009

Their mother left Chili twenty-six years ago to live in Venezuela. The two children never saw her again. They missed her as she seemed to have vanished beneath the silence of the father and the grandmother who raised them. The only physical trace...

Balade américaine en Flandres
Son | France | 2009

Portraits d’adeptes du mythe américain dans le nord de la France et en Belgique. Ces adeptes sont éleveur de bisons, collectionneur d’armes de la guerre de sécession, village indien, troupe de théâtre western, groupe de reconstitution...

11 films