Catalogue des films de « Claire-Anne Largeron »

18 films
À la vie
Son | France | 2020

Chantal Birman has devoted her life to defending the rights of women. At nearly seventy years old, she still provides care and advice to women who have just given birth. From painful moments to intensely joyful experiences, witnessing her visits...

Like Dolls I'll Rise
Son | France | 2018

Within the dolls made for young American girls, and the representations they convey, lies a long and complicated history of white supremacy and racism. But, between 1850 and 1930, nameless African-American women made black dolls out of cloth for...

Souriez, vous êtes mariés !
Son | France | 2017

Accompagnés des photographes qu’ils ont choisis pour témoigner de l’événement, trois couples s’apprêtent à se marier. En bons professionnels, les photographes guident les futurs époux à chaque étape des préparatifs et du déroulé...

Clémence et Ferdinand
Son | France | 2017

Au lendemain de la Grande Guerre, Ferdinand, ingénieur des Ponts et Chaussées se voit confier la construction du nouveau port de Dunkerque. Après l’obscurité des tranchées, c’est la lumière du large et la splendeur d’une rencontre :...

Leone Ginzburg, un intellectuel contre le fascisme
Son | France | 2016

En 1933, Leone Ginzburg fonde avec Giulio Einaudi et Cesare Pavese les éditions Einaudi. À travers ce geste d’écriture, Ginzburg inscrit la culture comme pouvant ressembler au front de l’antifascisme. Tout acte de langage devient acte...

Entre eux deux
Son | France | 2013

I met Abraham nearly ten years ago. By letting me observe his love for his wife Suzanne, who has been in hospital for nearly ten years, and by telling me about his life marked by History, he has shared feelings, values that echo in me.

La Vie en vrac
Son | France | 2011

Not far from Paris, at the end of an impasse, there is a house where a few people who have survived from a frightening psychological trauma are received every day. This is the day hospital of Saint Germain en laye, a singular place where a team of...

Une autre voix
Son | France | 2010

Constantly solicited in their job, their voice became problematic. Some want to change it. Without warning, their vocal re-education causes small revolutions, unexpected chain reactions which involve their whole personality?

Né sous Z
Son | France, Belgique | 2010

50 years after his exile in France, Robert's past, as a mixed-race child from Indochina, caught up with him. He decides to go back in time to try to understand why he never knew his French father and the reasons he was separated from his...

Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Chœur
Son | France | 2009

Au coin de ma rue, il y a un café, fréquenté par des habitués qui se retrouvent chaque matin après avoir emmené les enfants à l’école, avant d’aller au travail, en revenant de la boulangerie comme si cet endroit avait fini par devenir...

18 films