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Robin Shuffield, Laurent Van Lancker
1998 - 52 min - Beta digital - Couleur - Belgique

"Ymako Teatri", a theater company based in Ivory Coast, uses street theater to question some contemporary West-African problems. Their originality consists in using the "invisible theater" method in order to surprise the public and thus to make it react immediately to its own problems.
This documentary shows how a theater company efficiently strives in today's African reality.
This film presents two performances : one criticise the current proliferation of religious sectes, the other deals with the awakening of villagers towards AIDS. "Ymako", in bambara : our concerns.

Author-Director : Robin Shuffield, Laurent Van Lancker
Delegate Producer : Triangle 7
Co-producer : Uppercut
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : RTBF Bruxelles
Broadcasting Sale : CFI (Canal France international)
Contribution : Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel de la Communauté française de Belgique


Distributor : Triangle 7
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