Wora, l'esprit contemporain
Lizette Lemoine
2003 - 52 min - DV Cam - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - France

Wora cotemporary spirit, is a short anthropological treatise on the wisdom of Native American Indians through the eyes of the band Yaki Kandru. The Colombian musician and ethnologist, Jorge Lopez P., in political exil in France for over 20 years, has headed the group since its creation in the 70's.
Voices, postures, mysterious instrument, curious tones. In his work, Jorge Lopez reproduces a Native American vision of the world that goes beyond folklore and ethnic concepts. It bears testimony to living cultures an pays homage to the creativity, philosophy and struggles of the indigenous peoples of the Americas.

Author-Director : Lizette Lemoine
Delegate Producer : La Huit Production
Co-producer : Globe mémoire
Broadcasting Co-producer : Mezzo
Contribution : CNC, FCM (Fonds pour la Création Musicale)


Distributor : La Huit Distribution
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