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Voyage dans la cellule
Laurent Larsonneur
1999 - 15 min - Couleur - France

This film, made of synthetic pictures, transports us into the heart of a cell. We follow a hormone and go through the membrane to penetrate the cell and reach the nucleus where the genetic material resides.
With an explanatory narrative and music composed specially for this film, we are carried along into the magnificent ballet of mitosis : replication of DNA and separation of the chromosomes to form two daughter cells.
"The remarkable graphism helps us to understand in detail the great number of processes and molecular arrangements responsible for the behaviour of a cell, including the replication of DNA and cell division." Francis Crick, Nobel Prize 1962 for the determination of the structure of DNA.

Author-Director : Laurent Larsonneur
Author : Andreas Koch
Scientific Advisor : Christian Sardet
Delegate Producer : Digital Studio


Distributor : Digital Studio