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Ugly One
Éric Baudelaire
2013 - 101 min - HD - Couleur - France

Winter, Beirut. On a littered beach, Lili and Michel meet. Or perhaps they know each other from before... As they struggle to piece together the fragments of an uncertain past, memories emerge: an act of terrorism, an explosion and the disappearance of a child, Elena.
Woven throughout these fragments is the deep voice of a Japanese narrator who recounts his own experience of a weeping Beirut, and his twenty-seven clandestine years fighting alongside the Palestinians as a member of the Japanese Red Army.

Author-Director : Éric Baudelaire
Author : Laure Vermeersch
Photography : Claire Mathon
Sound : Philippe Welsh, Jean Holtzmann
Editing : Stéphane Elmadjian, Cécile Frey
Delegate Producer : Poulet-Malassis Films


Distributor : Lux