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The Amazing Stories of a Ghost Ship
( As Incríveis Histórias de um Navio Fantasma )

André Bomfim
2015 - 26 min - HD & Found footage - Couleur et Noir & blanc - Brésil

English summary
Los Angeles, 1932. Despite the Great Depression, Hollywood gets ready to show the world a great spectacle, the 10th Olympic Games. However, away from the spotlight, a tropical delegation does everything to jump into the scene. A journey on a ship loaded with coffee, total lack of resources, lack of technical and emotional preparation superhuman effort: and these are just a few of the highlights. The Brazilian athletes won nothing in the Olympics, but their participation was a great adventure - truly worthy of a Hollywood movie.

Auteur-Réalisateur : André Bomfim
Image : Gustavo Rosa de Moura, André Bomfim
Son : Daniel Turini, Fernando Henna
Montage : André Bomfim
Musique originale : Gustavo Monteiro
Producteur délégué : Mira Filmes (Brésil)
Participation : Instituto de Políticas Relacionais


Distributeur : Mira Filmes (Brésil)
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2015 - Semana Paulistana do Curta-Metragem, Sao Paulo (Brésil) : Honor Mention
2015 - REcine – Festival Internacional de Cinema de Arquivo, Rio de Janeiro (Brésil) : Best film & Best editing & Best usage of found footage