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Le Témoin impartial
Jacques Renard
1994 - 59 min - Betacam SP - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - France

At the dawn of the twentieth century, Chekhov laid the foundations of a new kind of theatre to which subsequent schools have repeatedly returned for nourishment, and whose importance has only become clear to men of the theatre and to audiences as the century has advanced.
Following on from Stanislavsky and Nemirovitch-Dantchenko, after the delicate music of Chekhov, we rediscover Chekhov with each new production, and the mine is still far from being exhausted.
The prodigious richness of Chekhov's plays emerges from this documentary, which features excerpts from historic productions of "The Three Sisters" and "The Cherry Orchard", and focusses on equally seminal productions.

Author-Director : Jacques Renard
Author : Georges Banu
Delegate Producer : Ina (Institut National de l'Audiovisuel)
Broadcasting Co-producer : La Sept ARTE
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Ina. DDA. Direction commerciale