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Paquita and Everything Else
( Paquita y Todo lo Demas )

David Moncasi
2010 - 54 min - Beta digital - Couleur - Espagne

English Summary
"He suffers because he sees that he's not like the others. He has never worked, he has never had girlfriend... his life impoverishes and feels unfortunate. I would prefer seeing him dead before through that living like that ". A mother. A grey life. One camera.

Author-Director : David Moncasi
Photography : Paquita Yangüela, Christian Lago, José Lago
Editing : Ana Rubio
Delegate Producer : Estacion central de contenidos
Broadcasting Co-producer : TVE S.A. (Espagne)


Distributor : Promofest
Disponible au Club du doc


2010 - Festival de cine espagnol, Malaga (Espagne) : Sélection
2010 - Documenta Madrid, Madrid (Espagne) : Sélection