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Objectif femmes
Manuelle Blanc, Julie Martinovic'
2015 - 52 min - HDcam - Couleur - France

If some women photographers are today considered as stars, belonging to an international artistic category, most of them are unknown to the general public. Only a handful is mentioned in photographic encyclopaedias, and exhibitions of their work are few and far between. Why are they so marginalized? Have art historians and exhibition curators played a part in how invisible they are on the art scene?
Our research has shown us that, in addition their unquestionable role in the history of photography, women have dedicated themselves to this artistic discipline more than any other. Their inventiveness and their style have contributed, and continue to contribute, to the evolution of this major art form.
So who are they? Why have they chosen this artistic medium rather than another? How have those who have managed to make their mark earned independence and recognition? Are there similarities in the paths they have taken, or certain parallels in their choice of themes? What should we make of the notion “the female perspective”? Do these women photographers have an unusual way of seeing the world?

Author-Director : Manuelle Blanc, Julie Martinovic'
Photography : Raphaël O'Byrne
Sound : Sylvain Delecroix, Cédric Mariotti, François Waledish
Original Music : Laurent Lesourd
Delegate Producer : Camera Lucida productions
Co-producer : Musée d'Orsay
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 5
Contribution : CNC. COSIP, Procirep, Angoa-Agicoa


Distributor : Camera Lucida productions
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