Nalan Turkeli, une femme des bidonvilles
Evelyne Ragot
1999 - 62 min - Super 16 mm & Beta numérique ou SP - Couleur - France

In the "gecekondu" of an Istanbul suburb, a woman writes at night, unbeknownst to her husband and children. By day, she does innumerable odd jobs to support her family. Her first book, published in 1994, brought her national recognition but didn't change her material lot. She continues to write because it is only way to give meaning to her life and because she wants to bear witness.
This film recounts the life and struggles of a unique and fervent woman and, in the process, affords an inside look at the daily reality of these neighborhoods torn by lawlnessness and violence, and where the massive migration from the countryside has led to the proliferation of a "sponatneous", totally disproportionate living conditions.
Not merely the chronicle of ordinary misery, this film is also the portrait of a woman who has broken free and is in search of an immaterial elsewhere which she glimpses in the pages of a notebook.

Author-Director : Evelyne Ragot
Author : Oya Delahay
Delegate Producer : Dominant 7
Co-producer : Senso Films
Co-producer : Neyrac films
Broadcasting Co-producer : La Sept ARTE


Distributor : Dominant 7
TV Rights : ARTE France Distribution
Not commercial Distribution : Images de la culture (CNC)
Circulation-Consultation : BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France). Département de l'Audiovisuel
Disponible au Club du doc


2001 - Images en bibliothèques, Paris (France) : Film soutenu par la Commission nationale de sélection des médiathèques
2000 - États généraux du film documentaire, Lussas (France) : Incertains Regards