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Mumbai's Way
Lino Greco, Gerardo Lamattina
2008 - 59 min - Mini DV - Couleur - Italie

A journey in Mumbai in 4 chapters.
Each chapter present a different point of view and correspond to a stop in a particular neighborhood during an ideal journey on Mumbai's underground.
In Mumbai, important issues such as "development", cohabitation, tolerance and identity, the possibility of "a third way", are all daily and concrete experiences. This is both due to the high political consciousness of its inhabitants as well as to the urban tissue, and the social-antropological, religious, and economical structures.
Mumbai is the capital town of indian economy and at the same time home to the largest and most densely populated slum of all Asia.

Author-Director : Lino Greco, Gerardo Lamattina
Photography : Lino Greco
Editing : Lino Greco
Delegate Producer : Gerardo Lamattina


Distributor : Gerardo Lamattina
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