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Marins du terroir
Shane Poty
1994 - 26 min - Couleur - France

This film opens the great book of the history of the French navy at the account of an adventure that started over three hundred years ago : the use of the forests of Auvergne for the construction of ships for the royal navy.
It retraces the past, in the heart of the forests, and reconstitutes the amazing know-how of a period when, from living material torn from the earth, a boat was produced. It questions the sailors of the area about their profession and their mentality and their desire to keep Auvergne as their home port.
It testifies to the existence of an emotional link between Auvergne and the navy, which has shown in the last ten years in the adoption of the ship. It listens to young Auvergnats talking about their aspirations to maritime jobs, their motivations, their worries and their dreams.

Author-Director : Shane Poty
Delegate Producer : C Productions Chromatiques


Distributor : C Productions Chromatiques