Dreams of the Castle
( Los Sueños del castillo )

René Ballesteros
2018 - 72 min - Video Full HD - Couleur - Chili, France

A teenagers prison in the middle of the Mapuche countryside, in the South of Chile. Every night the teenagers are attacked by recurrent nightmares. The film is an exploration about the link between their lives, their crimes and their nightmares, about the influence of a territory on their dreams.

Author-Director : René Ballesteros
Photography : David Belmar
Sound : Simon Apostolou, René Ballesteros, Marco Burdiles
Editing : Johanne Schatz
Original Music : Alexandre Del Torchio
Delegate Producer : René Ballesteros
Co-producer : Johanne Schatz
Co-producer : La Ballesta Films


Distributor : René Ballesteros


2019 - FECICH (Festival de Cine Chileno de Quilpué), Quilpué (Chili) : Meilleur Réalisateur - Meilleur Montage
2018 - Festival de cine de Valdivia, Valdivia (Chili) : Meilleur long-métrage chilien
2018 - FIDOCS - Documentary Film Festival Santiago, Santiago (Chili) : Prix Spécial du Jury