Les Petits Explorateurs à travers l'Afrique
Guy Beauché
2009 - 97 min - HDV - Couleur - France

Discovering Africa aged ten, leaving your home for the unknown. This will be the adventure of Lea, Jeanne, Louis, Paul-Henry and Hugo, five budding explorers, as they will share the everyday life of an African child for two weeks. Through their passion for music, dance, rugby or nature, each will make new friends as smart and cute as they are. Whether in South Africa or Mauritania, everything is so different from home: school, food, showering, playing,. Always curious, sometimes shocked, they will explore through marveled eyes, and in their own spontaneous words will give us a glimpse of Africa as you've never seen it. A great adventure, and also a lesson of tolerance and sharing, a touching story of friendship between children who come from different worlds, and yet have so much in common...

Author-Director : Guy Beauché
Author : Dorothée Lachaud
Author : Charlène Gravel
Delegate Producer : Bonne Pioche Productions
Broadcasting Co-producer : Canal plus, RTBF Bruxelles
Broadcasting Co-producer : Planète
Broadcasting Co-producer : BeTV


Distributor : Zed distribution
Disponible au Club du doc


2010 - Festival du film d'éducation, Évreux (France) : Sélection