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Les Cités perdues des Mayas
Jean-Claude Lubtchansky
2000 - 52 min - France

Filmed in Mexico and Guatemala, "Les Cités perdues des Mayas" reveals the continuity between the remains of the past and the Maya populations of today. Enhanced by works exhibited in museums, the chronological account of the great steps in the discovery of the Maya civilisation, from the first conquistadors to the explorers and archeologists, is illustrated by visiting the great sites.
This documentary aims to plunge into the fascinating world of these cities, lost and found. It tries to give geographical and historical landmarks without spoiling the pleasure of the discovery. It goes into the memory of men, that unconscious memory where all the events of the past, no matter how distant, are inscribed in the history of humanity.

Author-Director : Jean-Claude Lubtchansky
Author : Claude Baudez
Author : Sydney Picasso
Delegate Producer : Trans Europe film
Co-producer : Éditions Gallimard
Broadcasting Co-producer : La Sept ARTE


Distributor : Trans Europe film