Le Voyage de Joachim
Frédéric Labourasse
1995 - 54 min - Super 16 mm - Couleur - France

Joachim is a Wayana Indian from French Guyana. He lives in the Amazonian jungle with his family. He has been saving his small incomes for many years to make his dream come true : travel to the United States.
How will he react to the crowded cities, to the encounter with American Indians ? The film follows Joachim and his wife through this journey.

Author-Director : Frédéric Labourasse
Photography : Frédéric Labourasse
Sound : Henri Maïkoff
Editing : Thierry Ragobert
Original Music : Arnaud Devos
Delegate Producer : Les Films d'ici
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 3
Contribution : CNC, Procirep, Plan d'action 16/9 de l'Union européenne


Distributor : Europe images international
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