La Fabrique du corps humain
1- La Chair et la Cire 2 - L'Anatomie morale du Dr Ruysch 3 - L'Obscur Fragonard
Marc Huraux
1996 - 70 min - Super 16 mm - Couleur - France

This series, about history of anatomy, deals with a very peculiar scientific object : the human body, as occidental science reconstructs it, reproduces it, remodelizes it and, by doing this, recreates it, between the Renaissance and the 19th century.
The first episode follows the path of the Abbé Zumbo of Syracuse, a sculptor in wax, author of small "theatres of corruption" then of the first "wax anatomies" for which he will receive a royal privilege from Louis XIV in 1700.


Distributor : Europe images international
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