L'Autre 8 Mai 1945
Aux origines de la guerre d'Algérie
Yasmina Adi
2008 - 52 min - DV Cam - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - France

The 8th of May 1945 is a key date for the French history.
Each year, one celebrates the victory over the Nazi Germany. On the other side of the Mediterranean in Algeria, this day of glory is one day of mourning. During the celebration of the victory in 1945, Algerians asserted their will of independence. They will undergo during several weeks a violent repression led by the French Army. It will make thousands of victims.
But sixty years later, the repression of spring 1945 in Algeria is still a mystery.
Yasmina Adi found many new documents, files of the French government and secret services English and American. She met these men and these women who underwent this repression. She calls on the French and Algerian witnesses, as well as the first Journalist to arrive on the spot.
This investigation reveal on the mechanisms and the consequences of this colonial repression. This “Other May 8, 1945” is at the origins of the war of Algeria.

Author-Director : Yasmina Adi
Photography : Laurent Didier
Sound : Pierre Carrasco, Hamid Osmani
Editing : Claude Graton
Delegate Producer : CPB (Compagnie des phares et balises)
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 2
Contribution : Ministère des Affaires étrangères


Distributor : CPB (Compagnie des phares et balises)
Distributor : Yasmina Adi
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
DVD Editing : CPB (Compagnie des phares et balises)
Circulation-Consultation : Musée national de l'Histoire de l'immigration
Disponible au Club du doc


2009 - Scam, Paris (France) : Étoile de la Scam
2009 - Doc à Tunis, Tunis (Tunisie) : Sélection
2009 - Festival International du film Panafricain, Cannes (France) : Sélection
2008 - Festival International du Documentaire et du reportage Méditerranéen, Turin (Italie) : Prix à la diffusion France 3 Méditerranée