Jesus, You Know
( Jesus, du weisst )

Ulrich Seidl
2003 - 87 min - Betacam - Couleur - Autriche

Six Christians of different ages, sexes and social classes go regularly to church, where they confess, repent, pray, give grace and sing hymns. They all talk with Jesus, make requests to him, express their doubts to him, and confide their existence in him. For each of them, he incarnates the ideal of the father, the lover, the good counsellor, the mute confidant, the guide, and so on. They all talk to the camera, too. Ulrich Seidl, a film-maker known for his uncompromising descriptions of modern Austria, took up the challenge of recording answers to questions that are never asked, doing an "interview" in the context of the confessional, and transforming this one-way conversation into a prayer facing towards the film’s viewers.

Author-Director : Ulrich Seidl
Author : Wolfgang Thaler
Author : Jerzy Palacz
Sound : Ekkehart Baumung
Editing : Christof Schertenleib, Andrea Wagner
Delegate Producer : MMKmedia GmbH


Distributor : The Coproduction Office
VOD : Universciné


2004 - FIDMarseille (Festival International de Cinéma), Marseille (France) : Compétition Internationale
2004 - Images en bibliothèques, Paris (France) : Film soutenu par la Commission nationale de sélection des médiathèques
2003 - Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, Prague (République tchèque) : Prix du meilleur documentaire