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Hervé Robbe, un chorégraphe en résidence Série-Collection : Journées d'ateliers

Dominique Emard
1993 - 13 min - 3/4 BVU - Couleur - France

Notes made watching a choreographer's work, a videogram like a sketch book of life-studies but also of moments of time.
First there are pieces on the Work shop where students talk of their encounter with contemporary dancing and with Hervé Robbe on the University campus at Orléans.
Then, in the same place, we are present at the re-creation of "Antichambre" (still shown in fragments and sketches). Light is cast on these notes by Hervé Robbe's own comments.

Author-Director : Dominique Emard
Delegate Producer : GRIV (Groupe régional investigation vidéo)


Distributor : GRIV (Groupe régional investigation vidéo)
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