Fixed Kids
Rémi Gendarme-Cerquetti
2019 - 126 min - Vidéo 720p/HDV - Couleur - France

When I was a child, those who saw me could say to themselves "this disabled child so cute, he will not live very long". So I had to go to Garches. There, they treated me ... they tried to repair me. They tried to stand up, to make our bodies upright. There, almost all the caregivers made us suffer.
This film is the story of a trip. I meet other children that I had only met at the time and who, like me, were born in the 80s with a strange body and desires similar to those of everyone else. And I go back to Garches to try to describe what we felt and to find our memories. Memories...

Author-Director : Rémi Gendarme-Cerquetti
Photography : Emanuel Rojas
Sound : Frédéric Dabo
Editing : Francine Lemaître
Original Music : David Chiesa
Delegate Producer : The Kingdom
Co-producer : WAG Productions
Contribution : Angoa-Agicoa, Scam, Sacem, Région Bretagne, CNC. Avance sur recettes, Procirep


Distributor : The Kingdom