Body and Soul
( De Corpo e Alma )

Matthieu Bron
2010 - 54 min - HDV 720 p - Couleur - Mozambique

The film tells the stories of Victória, Mariana and Vasco, three young Mozambicans with physical disabilities, living in the townships of Maputo, Mozambique's capital city.
Victória transmits the self-esteem she received from her education to other physically disabled women by organizing a fashion show; Mariana uses her social energy to create helpful friendships and overcome the urban architectonical barriers and Vasco does business, repairing shoes in the informal sector.
Their daily lives reveal their physical, psychological and emotional challenges. The film explores how they look at themselves and others and raises universal questions about self-acceptance and how to find one's place in society.

Author-Director : Matthieu Bron
Photography : Matthieu Bron
Sound : Carlos Langa
Editing : Matthieu Bron
Delegate Producer : Meetings


Distributor : Meetings
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
Disponible au Club du doc


2012 - Guggenheim Museum, New York (États-Unis) :
2012 - Festival Docuday UA, Kiev (Ukraine) : Premier Prix
2011 - URTI (Union Radiophonique et Télévisuelle Internationale), Paris (France) : Grand Prix
2011 - ZIFF (Festival International du Film de Zanzibar), Zanzibar (Tanzanie) : Prix Siginis
2011 - Journées Cinématographiques de Bahia - Brésil, Bahia (Brésil) : Prix Glauber Rocha