Champs mêlés
Une expérience de développement équitable : les fruits de la solidarité
Patrick Avrillon, Pierre Davidovici
2006 - 69 min - Digital vidéo - Couleur - France

"Blended fields" is a filmed meeting between fruits producers from Rhône-Alpes (France) and from Toffo (Benin). These “small farmers” from North and South share the same idea: fair trade exchanges based on human scale are the only solution to escape, at least for some time, from the sharks of international business.
Refusing consensual speech on fair trade, this film recounts a variety of idealistic points of views and demonstrates the complexity of this alternative form of trade. At the mercy of events, this documentary film reveals human and poetic dimension of these blended fields.
This film, directed by two teachers-directors, is the result of a collective shooting with high school students taking cinema-audiovisual courses.

Author-Director : Patrick Avrillon, Pierre Davidovici
Delegate Producer : Pierre Davidovici, Patrick Avrillon
Contribution : Région Rhône-Alpes


Distributor : Patrick Avrillon
Distributor : Pierre Davidovici
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