Memory Books
Pour que tu ne m'oublies jamais...
Christa Graf
2007 - 90 min - DVC Pro HD - Couleur - Allemagne

In Uganda, parents suffering from Aids write "memory books" for their children. The most precious documents of our time. Unless an important effort is made to stop the Aids-spreading, we reckon that in 2010 up to 40 millions of children will loose their parents due to this disease. Uganda turns to be the country that better fights the disease in Africa, but most of the orphans in the world due to Aids are there, around two millions. When their parents die, the children are left alone. And these children, who grow up taking care of each other, begin their life without a past and with an uncertain future.
It is the reason why a very special project has been created in Uganda: the parents write these memory books containing the story of their family. It helps the children to remember their parents, traditions and values. The children progressively prepare themselves to their parents’ death.

Author-Director : Christa Graf
Photography : Roland Wagner
Sound : Ralf Richter
Editing : Carmen Kirchweger
Delegate Producer : Kick Film GmbH
Co-producer : Snakefilm


Distributor : Accent Films International


2008 - Festival de Télévision de Monte Carlo, Monte Carlo (France) : Grand Prix International du Documentaire d'Auteur de l'URTI