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Bontoc Eulogy
Marlon Fuentes
1995 - 60 min - 16 mm - Noir & Blanc - États-Unis

A personal story about the Filipino experience at the Saint Louis World's Fair of 1904, the film unfolds from the perspective of two characters, the narrator, a Filipino immigrant in America, and Markod, an Igorot warrior held captive at the Fair.
It chronicles Markod's experience, as one of the eleven hundred natives brought to America to be part of the "Philippine Reservation". The St Louis Fair was the site of the largest "ethnological display rack" the world had ver known, a place where thousands of "primitive" men and women from all over the globe were displayed side by side with the artefacts and monuments of Western scientific progress and civilisation.

Author-Director : Marlon Fuentes
Delegate Producer : Marlon Fuentes


Distributor : Jane Balfour Services