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Bill T. Jones, été 95
Ludwig Trovato
1995 - 54 min - Couleur - France

Filmed in the convent of Notre-Dame-de-la-Tourette and in Montpellier, this film endeavours to reveal the spiritual dimensions of the work of the choreographer Bill T. Jones. The dialogue with a Dominican to whom he confides the aim of his work, is interrupted by dance sequences, by improvising with the musician Max Roach, work with Trisha Brown and by extracts of "Still here", his last creation presented in France.
Created in New York, this work aroused a controversy. For Bill T. Jones, this work is concerned with the emotions, with the experience of living with approaching death, and the survival workshops he first created with patients in terminal conditions were for him a means of overcoming fear. For this Black American artist, homosexual and HIV positive, the disappearance of his lover Arnie Zane, dead of AIDS in 1988 was conclusive : he feels today "his duty is to come to the world to see what is happening in it and to represent it." Fabienne Arvers.


Distributor : Noctiluques production
Not commercial Distribution : Images de la culture (CNC)
Circulation-Consultation : BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France). Département de l'Audiovisuel