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Berlin Plage
Majorque, la petite Allemagne des Baléares Série-Collection : Thema : Aventures de vacances

Michaëlle Gagnet
1999 - 40 min - France

Majorca, the richest of the Balearic Islands, is literally overrun by German holidaymakers. Each year, over two million of them fly over to Majorca. Of the 700,000 inhabitants of the island, 60,000 are Germans who have acquired property there.
This documentary depicts humorously and somewhat ironically, this "colonisation" of Majorca, through several portraits : a couple of estate agents who have come to make their business thrive but also to take part in a vast destructive urbanisation movement, a television personality who is pursuing her career with a new local German channel, an exclusively Germanic retirement home, but also tourists who are less well off and who for less than two hundred marks come to the sun, a two hour flight away, in search of the inebriated atmosphere of the Bavarian taverns...
It also shows the mitigated reaction of the natives faced with this "invasion". Majorca, a little artificial paradise on the point of imploding ?

Author-Director : Michaëlle Gagnet
Delegate Producer : Doc en stock
Broadcasting Co-producer : La Sept ARTE
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Doc en stock