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Bamyan, la vallée des murmures
Makeda Ketcham
2003 - 26 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

In the heart of Afghanistan, In the mountains region of Hazaradjat lies de valley of Bamyan where the famous Buddhas once stood. The arrival of Hazara people in Afghanistan, with their turkish-mongolian features, has long been a source of contention and controversy.
For over a century, relations between the Azzara and the emirs of Kabul and neighbouring tribes have endured periods of violence, submission, rebellion and attempted assimilation. More recently, the Taliban, who are mainly Pashtun, targeted this community with their ruthless policies, which at times resembled ethnic cleansing.
This documentary focuses on Hazara families who have returned to their villages in Bamyan, Afghanistan after having fled persecution under the Taliban regime. They are confronted with both memories of their violent past and concern for their future. The film evokes the history of Hazaras as well as the ongoing struggle, tragedy and silence that characterise this Shiite community.

Author-Director : Makeda Ketcham
Author : Françoise Calas
Editing : Elke Hartmann
Delegate Producer : État d'Urgence Production


Distributor : État d'Urgence Production
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