Aux sources du Vodou
Charles Véron
1994 - 52 min - Betacam SP - Couleur - France

In Benin, craddle of Voodoo, Daagbo Hounon, the supreme chief is a charismatic personality who has uncontested authority over adepts of the cult. In his country where voodoo practices control all social and cultural life, the new democratic government has just made the cult official in the hope of conciliating often archaic rites with its anxiety for modernisation.
Intellectuals, politicians and artists give their opinion on the expediency or ambiguity of such a wager, while the initiation of a young adept, including his baptism of blood in Daagbo Hounon's monastery, lifts a veil on the esoterism which is a stain on this cult.


Distributor : L' Envol productions
Circulation-Consultation : Institut français. Département Cinéma (Cinémathèque Afrique)
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