Au fond de la nuit
Réda Zeroual
2010 - 14 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

In the early sixties, tens of thousands of Moroccans are being recruited in the most isolated countrys of the kingdom to perform work of convicts in the deep mines of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais. Samate Abdellah, a former miner has fought all his life to defend the rights of immigrant workers.

Author-Director : Réda Zeroual
Photography : Pierre Lelievre, Réda Zeroual
Sound : Jimmy Beaufils
Editing : Réda Zeroual
Original Music : Jimmy Beaufils
Delegate Producer : ENS (École nationale supérieure Louis Lumière)


Distributor : ENS (École nationale supérieure Louis Lumière)
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