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Antoine Bonfanti, traces sonores d'une écoute engagée
Suzanne Durand
2002 - 55 min - Betacam & DV - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - France

Antoine Bonfanti is one of the most "activist" sound engineers of his generation. He worked with the greatest film director, such as Godard, Resnais, Oury, Chris Marker, André Delvaux...
Professor at the INSAS in Brussels, he also taught generations of sound engineers around the world, from Cuba to Angola, and in many countries where making film is a struggle.


Distributor : Le Mur du son cinéma
Not commercial Distribution : Images de la culture (CNC), ADAV
Circulation-Consultation : BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France). Département de l'Audiovisuel
Disponible au Club du doc


2005 - Images en bibliothèques, Paris (France) : Film soutenu par la Commission nationale de sélection des médiathèques