Algérie, images d'un combat
Jérôme Laffont
2009 - 52 min - Digital vidéo - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - Belgique

As for all the modern conflicts, the Algerian war has been a high-stake target with regards to depicting images. In light of the plentiful movies shot by the French army and because of its speech, a few film directors, one of whom is René Vautier, engaged themselves with the Algerian fighters to keep images of their struggle. They shot images of a crucial beauty, but most of them had been banned in France and some of them are still lost or even destroyed. A movie that questions about the necessity of cinematic commitment.


Distributor : Sourat films
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
Disponible au Club du doc


2011 - Filmer à tout prix, Bruxelles (Belgique) : Prix des ateliers d'accueil WIP-CBA
2010 - FIPA (Festival international de programmes audiovisuels), Biarritz (France) : selection non-competitive
2009 - États généraux du film documentaire, Lussas (France) : Sélection Incertains regards