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Alfonso Cabeza de Vaca, marquis de Portago - 2
La Fin des seigneurs
Philippe Alfonsi
1998 - 53 min - Beta numérique - Couleur - France

It is 4 p.m. on this 12 May 1957. Brescia, where the arrival of this 24th "Mille Migli" is to take place, is only sixty kilometres away. Black helmet, black leather jacket, Alfonso Cabeza de Vaca, Marquis of Portago, whom everyone calls "Fon", steps on the accelerator of his Ferrari. No-one is yet aware that in front of their eyes the last "Mille Migli" race is taking place. Fon will never reach the finishing line.
His daughter, Andrea, testifies today : one year later I asked my nanny, "Where is Papa ?", I was 6 years old and had not understood that he was dead.
Of course, death still strikes today. But now it has been tamed ; it is contained by the corsets of ever stricter safety standards.

Author-Director : Philippe Alfonsi
Delegate Producer : Taxi production
Broadcasting Co-producer : Planète
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Taxi production
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