Aki Kaurismäki Série-Collection : Cinéma, de notre temps

Guy Girard
2000 - 55 min - Super 16 mm - Couleur - France, Finlande

Since 1981, Aki Kaurismäki has produced, written and directed 22 films and in a certain sense he has resuscitated Finnish cinema. At 43 years of age, he has already directed an important work of cinematography. He is one of the fastest filmmakers in the world. After "Juha" (1999), he took a year before going back to work. I chose this ideal moment to do an episode of Cinema of our time.
Kaurismäki is a film craftsman. He works within well defined economic-boundaries where nothing is wasted. Such is the price of independence.
Most of the time, he makes his films using material he finds around him. Everything he sees, settings, people he meets and loves, find their way into his films sooner or later.
That's why a walk in Kaurismäki's universe resembles so closely a walk in Kaurismäki's films. Everything is there. We're there.

Author-Director : Guy Girard
Delegate Producer : AMIP (Audiovisuel Multimedia International Production)
Co-producer : Ina (Institut National de l'Audiovisuel)
Co-producer : Spoutnik Oy
Broadcasting Co-producer : ARTE France
Broadcasting Co-producer : YLE (Finlande)
Contribution : CNC, Procirep


Distributor : Doc & Film International
Not commercial Distribution : Images de la culture (CNC)
DVD Editing : MK2 Éditions
VOD : Arte VOD
Circulation-Consultation : BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France). Département de l'Audiovisuel
Disponible au Club du doc


2002 - Images en bibliothèques, Paris (France) : Film soutenu par la Commission nationale de sélection des médiathèques