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Afghanistan, année 1381
Florent Milesi
2002 - 52 min - PD150 - Couleur - France

The first documentary film after Taliban shot and edited in Afghanistan with ten Afghan cameramen and journalists, coordinated by a French reporter and a French Editor. A unique report with unseen footage around a key moment in free Afghanistan that occurred on March, 22nd : the first new year authorised for five years.
Between traumatisms of the past, religious traditions and hopes for peace and freedom, the four cameras in Kabul and Mazar-e-Charif show from inside a complex and lively Afghanistan. We follow a family of Kabul that is doing, after an incredible trip, the pilgrimage of Mazar-e-Charif, kind of Afghan Lourdes and we follow two groups of three sisters during the manifestations in Kabul.
Progressively the film make us live from inside the various religious, musical and social aspects of this historical moment.

Author-Director : Florent Milesi
Delegate Producer : Overland


Distributor : Overland
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