Achever l'inachevable
Jean Bergeron
2007 - 52 min - Vidéo HD - Couleur - Canada (Québec)

In 1956 Dutch artist Maurits C. Escher challenged the laws of perspective with his graphic Print Gallery, and found himself trapped by an impossible barrier. His uncompleted master-piece quickly became the most puzzling enigma of modern art, for both artists and scientists. Half a century later, mathematician Hendrik Lenstra took everyone by surprise by drawing a fantastic bridge between the intuition of the artist and his own, and completed Escher's work mathematically. This story was made accessible to all audience and most magically presented in the award-winning 52-minute film Achieving the Unachievable by documentary filmmaker Jean Bergeron.

Author-Director : Jean Bergeron
Photography : Stefan Ivanov
Delegate Producer : Alpha-Zoulou Films
Broadcasting Co-producer : Radio Canada
Broadcasting Co-producer : ARTV (Canada)
Broadcasting Co-producer : Bravo!Canada
Broadcasting Sale : TV5 Monde
Broadcasting Sale : The Discovery Channel (Canada)


Distributor : Alpha-Zoulou Films


2009 - Prix Gémeaux, Montréal (Canada) : Meilleur documentaire - Nature & Science
2008 - Shanghai Television Festival, Shanghaï (Chine) : Magnolia d'or du meilleur documentaire
2008 - FIFA (Festival international du film sur l'art), Montréal (Canada) : Meilleure œuvre canadienne
2008 - DOC FEST, Venise (Italie) : Meilleur documentaire - catégorie Art
2007 - Bangkok Science Film Festival, Bangkok (Thaïlande) : Meilleurs effets visuels scientifiques