ABC Colombia
Enrica Colusso
2006 - 88 min - Couleur - Italie, France

ABC Colombia is an intimate portrait of a small rural community in a part of Colombia entirely controlled by paramilitary forces, rendered through the eyes of the children who grow up there, and are often forced into very difficult choices.
The documentary follows the young protagonists in this problematic setting through an entire school year, exploring some of the realities that nurture and perpetuate the violence in Colombia.
Available in 75 min. and in 52 min.

Author-Director : Enrica Colusso
Delegate Producer : GA & A (Italie)
Co-producer : Les Films d'ici
Broadcasting Co-producer : ARTE France


Distributor : Les Films d'ici


2007 - Cinéma du réel, Paris (France) : Compétition Internationale
2007 - Images en bibliothèques, Paris (France) : Film soutenu par la Commission nationale de sélection des médiathèques