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Wladyslaw Pawelec
Portrait de l'artiste avec des nymphes au fond du tableau
Krzysztof Rogulski
2000 - 52 min - Betacam SP & Digital Vidéo - Couleur - France, Pologne

Wladyslaw Pawelec has always stood out in the dirty grey of Warsaw in the late 70s. His nude young women exude a sense of healthy erotic energy in the schizophrenic atmosphere of Poland torn between Party and Church. The film tracks down some of his models and by juxtaposing them with their portraits captures a sense of passing time.
Wladyslaw Pawelec has spent 40 years exploring the female nude. In the silence of his studio, he gives us the timeless spectacle of a mystery that deepens as it is laid bare. Today, when the naked female is used as an object of pleasure or merchandising, or a politicised body, the nudes of Wladyslaw Pawelec come across as traces of a forgotten civilisation.

Author-Director : Krzysztof Rogulski
Delegate Producer : Palindromes
Co-producer : JJ Sc (Pologne)


Distributor : Palindromes
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