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Wind Vane
Chris Welsby
1972 - 8 min - 16 mm - Couleur - Royaume-Uni

The location for this film is the western end of Hampstead Heath in London. Two cameras mounted on tripods with wind vane attachments were positioned about 50 feet apart along an axis of 45 degrees to the direction of the wind. Both cameras were free to pan through 360 degrees in the horizontal plane. There are three continuous 100 foot takes for each screen. The movements of the two cameras, which were filming simultaneously, were controlled by the wind strength and direction. The sound was recorded synchronously with the picture track and consists mainly of wind noise. Each screen has its own soundtrack when projected.

Author-Director : Chris Welsby
Photography : Chris Welsby
Sound : Chris Welsby
Editing : Chris Welsby
Delegate Producer : Chris Welsby


Distributor : Light Cone
DVD Editing : BFI (British Film Institute)