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Voyage sur un volcan en éruption Série-Collection : Thema : Aventures de vacances

Olivia Delpau
2000 - 52 min - France

This documentary takes us to Indonesia to share in the expedition of a dozen enthusiasts. Headed by Guy, the group tackles several volcanoes among the most impressive in the world : the Semeru, whose explosive activity is permanent, the Merapi, the Lokon Empung, which exploded a few days after they had been there, the Kawah Ijen, the biggest reservoir of sulfuric acid in the world, and, lastly, the Krakatau, with which Guy has an almost carnal relationship.
As well as the spectacular pictures, this film reveals people with strongly defined characters : Guy, of course, indefatigable walker who has almost lost his life more than once in the bottom of craters. Armand, 62, who had underestimated the physical challenge of the journey. But also Lionel and Ginette, in their fifties, most of whose income goes into travel, and Jean-Paul, an inconsolable widower who, in this expedition, seeks an encounter with the breath of life.
For all these enthusiasts this expedition to the heart of volcanoes is also the revelation of an unknown landscape – themselves.

Author-Director : Olivia Delpau
Delegate Producer : Doc en stock
Broadcasting Co-producer : La Sept ARTE


Distributor : Doc en stock