Victoire Terminus
Florent de La Tullaye, Renaud Barret
2008 - 80 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

A vivid portrait of a bunch of outstanding women, who choose boxing to get ahead in an African capital caught in the turmoil of its first democratic elections.
Summer 2006 in Kinshasa. Martini, Jeannette, Hélène and Rosette spar everyday with Coach Judex in the old stadium Tata Rafael, where in 1974 Muhammad Ali knocked out George Foreman in the most legendary match in the history of boxing. At dawn, thousands of people from the ghetto come to train here and political parties rally. In parallel to the fight for the Presidency of Congo (DRC), Judex struggles to organise a women's boxing tournament with little money...
Kinshasa sings, Kinshasa starves and Judex's girls manage to survive, with no illusions but still hope. A film about women in a country where men have become crazy. A film overflowing with energy, life and humour in a place where death and misery roam.


Distributor : Sciapode
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
DVD Editing : Doc Net Films
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2008 - Berlinale, Berlin (Allemagne) : Sélection
2008 - BFI London Film Festival, Londres (Grande-Bretagne) : Grierson Award du Meilleur long métrage documentaire