Toujours debout
Luc Joulé
2009 - 52 min - DV Cam - Couleur - France

A man, his dream and his path, a city...
Today, at the end of a career as a professional boxer, Mustapha Hame tells us his story. From that morning in august 1989 when he arrived in Marseille, leaving his family and his country behind, driven by his childhood dream.
On three occasions he held that dream in his hands. Three European championships. June 2000 in Manchester, January 2002 in Clermont-Ferrand and December 2002 in Levallois-Perret. Three European bantamweight championships. Three fights. Three defeats.
As we delve into the preparation of the fights, Mustapha’s training appears as an “honest and frightening work”. He recalls, in a strange shortcut, the hardship of his first ten years as an illegal boxer in Marseille, without papers nor nationality.
In Mustapha’s footsteps a unique feature of Marseille’s identity is revealed. Their destinies seem to echo.
Today, Mustapha has come to the end of his career as a professional boxer. He never became a European Champion. He didn’t “succeed”. However, he is still fighting. Now, he wants to become a coach to share his experience and to pass it on. Isn’t hope more valuable than actual success? Mustapha is still fighting. He is still standing.


Distributor : Copsi vidéo production